Materials Science Pathway

It’s a Material World.
Are you interested in studying at the intersection of physics and chemistry? Are you interested in innovation (or science) that solves practical problems? Do you want a career doing cutting-edge science that solves real-world problems?
Pathway Information
The Materials Science Pathway provides an avenue for students interested in discovering and understanding new materials for their use in novel technologies and engineering, fabrication and manufacturing.
As Interdisciplinary Studies majors, students in this pathway will study at the intersection of physics and chemistry, establishing a strong foundation for careers in industries such as aerospace, automobiles, biotechnology, semiconductors, solar energy and utilities, as well as government labs.
Undergraduate research projects may focus on topics ranging from fabrication and characterization of nanoparticles to discovery of new two-dimensional materials with applications in clean energy production, such as solar energy, and triboelectricity for powering the Internet of Things (IoT).
All IDS majors complete an XIDS course sequence through which they learn interdisciplinary concepts and method, culminating with a capstone project that reflects their intellectual and career interests:
- XIDS 2000 - Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies
- XIDS 3000 - Interdisciplinary Methods
- XIDS 4000 - Interdisciplinary Capstone
Box 1

- Principles of Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Survey of Materials Chemistry
- Polymer Chemistry
- Green Chemistry
- Experimental Techniques in Materials Chemistry
Box 2

- Principles of Physics
- Applied Mechanics
- Modern Physics for Engineers
- Fundamentals of Materials
Contact Us
Dr. Neema Noori
Director, Center of Interdisciplinary Studies
(678) 839-6329